The Rating Surveyors' Association is a professional organisation for experienced Chartered Surveyors who specialise in the field of Non-domestic rates and can demonstrate that they comply with the highest of professional standards. The Association was founded in 1909 and now has over 600 members drawn from private practice, corporate bodies, the Valuation Office Agency and local authorities.

Our primary function is to work with the various bodies responsible for the rating system - the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, the Valuation Office Agency, local authorities and the Valuation Tribunals - to improve the Non-domestic rates system. We actively pursue this objective, keep our members up to date on relevant issues, encourage their participation on all aspects of our work, and organise social events to bond people of like minds.

Although primarily intended for the benefit of members of the association, we are pleased to welcome other visitors to this site. If you require any further information on the association, membership or Non-domestic rating and appeals in general, please visit our Contact Us page to contact any committee member by email.

Certain sections of the site are exclusively for members and a username and password are required to view them. If you are a member and do not have a username please go to the help pages for more information.