The inauguration of Richard Williamson as President of The Rating Surveyors’ Association

5 months ago by Thomas

We  would like to thank the members who attended the Inn's of Court, courtesy of Honorary Member Richard Glover KC for the Annual General Meeting and Members Dinner on the 18th April 2024.


Simon Griffin provided his last report as President after an extremely busy year that saw significant engagement with Governments both national and devolved as well as other kindred bodies on the introduction of the now Non-Domestic Rating Act 2023 and other legislation and updates to practice. 


Richard Williamson, Head of Business Rates at GL Hearn was inaugurated as the new President for 2024/25 whilst Myles O'Brien took up the post of Vice President. Of course, Myles will be known to many members having been the Honorary Mess Secretary of the Association - April’s members dinner being his last event  - and that role is now taken up by Ben Monk. We also said goodbye to two longstanding members of the Committee who have contributed so much in recent years as Josh Myerson steps aside as one of two Past Presidents on the committee and also Ken McCormack who retires from the profession. Alex Dickinson also stepped down from the committee after a four year term and his efforts, overseeing membership matters have been very much appreciated.


The committee is pleased to welcome Tom Fothergill, Director of Rating in Scotland as the new Co-Opted member for Devolved Administration, focusing on Scotland. Following the recent election two new members join the Committee, having been successful in the recent ballot of members and they are Michael Hampton-Riddington and Matthew Fanning and we are pleased to welcome them both. The committee is shortly to be increased with an additional Co-Opted role focusing on publications and Committee communications – further news on this shortly.